【步骤图】法式曼德琳蛋糕French Madeleines食谱大全和做法

烹调艺 人气:3.22W
法式曼德琳蛋糕French Madeleines的做法步骤图


英文菜譜送給我們美麗動人的Amy Liu. 😉


中筋或低筋麵粉All purpose or cake flour 1/2杯(62 g)
牛油溶化後放至室溫 melted butter and cooled down to room temperature 1/2杯 (70 g)
白砂糖granulated sugar 1/3杯 (60g)
細鹽salt 1/8 茶匙tsp
香草精vanilla extract 3/4 茶匙tsp
雞蛋eggs 2只
糖粉(點綴裝飾用)granulated sugar for decoration 適量few pinch
檸檬皮lemon zest 1 湯匙tbsp

法式曼德琳蛋糕French Madeleines的做法  

  1. 准備好各樣材料,將模具稍微抹點黃油防粘,并將烤箱預熱175攝氏度。 Get all the ingredients ready, spray/butter the tray and set the oven to 175 Celsius.

    法式曼德琳蛋糕French Madeleines的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 將雞蛋丶鹽丶香草精混入碗中高速打散至輕盈發白 beat eggs, vanilla and salt at high speed until light

    法式曼德琳蛋糕French Madeleines的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 邊打邊慢慢加入白糖高速打至發白并起波紋 gradually add sugar and continue beating at high speed until mixture is thick and pale大約十分鐘左右 around 10 minutes

    法式曼德琳蛋糕French Madeleines的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 分三次篩入面粉,每次都必須輕輕地混和(切忌攪拌)sift flour into egg mixture 1/3 at a time, and gently fold after each addition

    法式曼德琳蛋糕French Madeleines的做法步骤图 第5张
  5. 加入檸檬皮和溶化了的牛油(沿著碗邊輕輕倒入) , 輕輕并快速地混合 add lemon zest and pour butter around edge of batter, quickly but gently fold it into the batter

    法式曼德琳蛋糕French Madeleines的做法步骤图 第6张
  6. 輕輕地裝入模具并輕輕地放入已預熱的烤箱,十二分鐘左右出爐出模,翻面後灑上白糖做點綴 gently spoon batter into moulds and bake in preheated oven for about 12 minutes, invert them onto the plate, and sprinkle granulated sugar when they are warm

    法式曼德琳蛋糕French Madeleines的做法步骤图 第7张


1. 千萬不能過度攪拌 remember not to over mix, and be gentle
2. 牛油要冷卻至室溫 cool melted butter to room temperature
2. 密切注意烘烤時間 check constantly, make sure  not to burn the Madeleines