【步骤图】葱姜烤三文鱼(烤箱版)(Slow Cooked Salmon with Ginger and Scallion)食谱大全和做法

烹调艺 人气:1.09W
葱姜烤三文鱼(烤箱版)(Slow Cooked Salmon with Ginger and Scallion)的做法步骤图

I have a bad habit of screwing up salmon. No matter what I do, the fish comes out dry and kind of chalky, or just bland and boring. Luckily, I came across this trick from Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen. Instead of charring the fish on a grill, or even roasting it in a hot oven, she recommends slowly baking it in a 250°F oven for 30 minutes on a bed of aromatic ingredients.


洋葱 1/2个
葡萄籽油 2勺
三文鱼鱼排 1块或2人份
小葱 4根
黑莓蜂蜜 1勺
海盐 少许
现磨黑胡椒 少许

葱姜烤三文鱼(烤箱版)(Slow Cooked Salmon with Ginger and Scallion)的做法  

  1. 烤箱预热 250°F (121摄氏度). 准备好一把能放在烤箱里的平底锅

  2. 平底锅第一层:把小葱,洋葱,姜切碎,放在平底锅上,垫底。小葱葱绿的切碎待用。同时,

    葱姜烤三文鱼(烤箱版)(Slow Cooked Salmon with Ginger and Scallion)的做法步骤图 第2张
  3. 平底锅第二层:三文鱼表面刷葡萄籽油,蜂蜜,盐,黑胡椒,撒上小葱葱绿。如果喜欢芝麻可以加一点。

    葱姜烤三文鱼(烤箱版)(Slow Cooked Salmon with Ginger and Scallion)的做法步骤图 第3张
  4. 烤箱预热至指定温度,把平底锅放到中层,定时30分钟。

  5. 出锅!

