番茄肉末通心粉 Ketchup Cheese Pasta烹饪方法,教你番茄肉末通心粉 Ketchup Cheese Pasta做法步骤图

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番茄肉末通心粉 Ketchup Cheese Pasta的做法图解 做法步骤

This one is for 4 people!!!
For Party pals!!!! Quick and yum!


西红柿Tomato 1
通心粉Pasta 一碗 a full bowel
肉末Choped Pork 200g
番茄酱Heinz Ketchup 5勺 spoon
洋葱White Onion 四分之一个 a quater
盐Salt 2勺 spoon
黄油Butter 50克 g
橄榄油Olivia Oil 10ml
黑胡椒粉 Black Pepper 5g
马苏里拉芝士 Mozzarella Cheese 30g

番茄肉末通心粉 Ketchup Cheese Pasta的做法  

  1. 材料准备:番茄去皮切碎,白洋葱切小丁。
    Preparation: 1. Chopped unpeeled tomato. 2. Chopped White onion
    Boil pasta for 15min, stir 5 times in case pasta stick to the pot.

    番茄肉末通心粉 Ketchup Cheese Pasta的做法图解 做法步骤 第2张
  2. 炒锅加黄油,黄油融化加洋葱碎,爆香后加肉末。炒至粉色猪肉全部变色出锅,备用。
    Melt butter, then onion, then pork
    Stir-fry till meat pink disappear.
    Put in to a bowel then. Wait for using later.

    番茄肉末通心粉 Ketchup Cheese Pasta的做法图解 做法步骤 第3张
  3. 加少量橄榄油,烧热加番茄碎,不断翻炒,直至番茄出汁成泥状,加两勺盐调味(整道菜所有盐都于此处全部添加完毕,尽量确保不要过咸过淡)。中途加少许黑胡椒粉提味。
    Heat some Olivia oil, then tomato, stir-fry till tomato turn to mud. Two spoons salt (The sauce is important., be careful not to salty this process). Some black peppers.
    When the mud is ready, put the meat into it, stir, then put 3 spoons Heinz Ketchup in it ( more of you like).
    Sauce is ready.

    番茄肉末通心粉 Ketchup Cheese Pasta的做法图解 做法步骤 第4张
  4. 将意面沥水捞出,加入炒酱的炒锅里,搅拌。这个过程非常美,让人食欲大增。
    Put pasta (no water) into the gravy sauce stir them till every thing mixed up well.

    番茄肉末通心粉 Ketchup Cheese Pasta的做法图解 做法步骤 第5张
  5. 意面和意面酱搅拌均匀后,撒上一层马苏里拉芝士,再次拌匀,芝士拔丝就出现了。美好。
    Stir till cheese melt.

    番茄肉末通心粉 Ketchup Cheese Pasta的做法图解 做法步骤 第6张
  6. 装盘,吃!

    番茄肉末通心粉 Ketchup Cheese Pasta的做法图解 做法步骤 第7张