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芝士蛋糕Cheesecake的做法图解 做法步骤

奶酪蛋糕起源于古希腊,起初作为给第一届奥运会运动员的餐点。后来罗马人将来自希腊的奶酪蛋糕传播到欧洲各地,最终带到了美国。奶酪蛋糕很快成为最受欢迎的甜品之一。Cheesecake originated in ancient Greece as a meal for the first Olympic r the Romans spread cheesecake from Greece throughout Europe and eventually to the United secake quickly became one of the most popular desserts.


奥利奥饼干碎Oreo 130g
白砂糖Granulated sugar 120g
黄油(融化)Butter 40g
芝士(奶油干酪)Cheese 350g
黄油(软化)Butter 10g
柠檬汁Lemon juice 7g
香草精Vanilla 4g
鸡蛋黄The egg yolk 90g(2只)
全脂淡奶油Whipping cream 32g
酸奶油Sour cream 32g
蛋糕模具(6寸)Cake moulds 1个
锡纸、油纸Tin foil,Silicone oil paper 适量
打蛋器Blender 1台


  1. 把奥利奥饼干屑与30g白砂糖混合,加入融化的黄油搅拌至黄油覆盖所有饼干屑。Combine the oreo crumbs with 30 grams of granulated sugar, add the melted butter and beat until the butter covers all the crumbs.

    芝士蛋糕Cheesecake的做法图解 做法步骤 第2张
  2. 蛋糕模具内放入油纸,模具外包一层锡纸;把第一步的奥利奥黄油压到蛋糕盘底部,压平,压实。Oil paper is put into the cake mould, and the mould is covered with a layer of tin s the first step of the oreo butter into the bottom of the plate, flatten and firm.

    芝士蛋糕Cheesecake的做法图解 做法步骤 第3张
  3. 用搅拌器将奶油芝士搅拌至光滑。然后加入软化的黄油和90g糖,以中速搅拌至光滑细腻;加入柠檬汁和香草精,低速搅拌至光滑。In a blender, beat the cream cheese until softened butter and 90g sugar and beat on medium speed until smooth and the lemon juice and vanilla extract and beat on low speed until smooth.

    芝士蛋糕Cheesecake的做法图解 做法步骤 第4张
  4. 把鸡蛋黄分三个阶段加入,每次加入之前把碗周围刮干净。Add the egg yolks in three stages, scraping the sides of the bowl clean before each addition.

    芝士蛋糕Cheesecake的做法图解 做法步骤 第5张
  5. 面糊变滑后,加入浓奶油和酸奶油,继续搅拌。When the batter is smooth, add the heavy cream and sour cream and continue to stir.

    芝士蛋糕Cheesecake的做法图解 做法步骤 第6张
  6. 将面糊放入蛋糕模具中,将表面抚平。Place the batter into the cake tin and smooth the surface.

    芝士蛋糕Cheesecake的做法图解 做法步骤 第7张
  7. 在烤盘内加入一些水,放入准备好的蛋糕。注意锡纸不要破漏(锡纸起防水作用)。Put some water in the pan and put the prepared cake in the tin foil. (the tin foil is waterproof.)

    芝士蛋糕Cheesecake的做法图解 做法步骤 第8张
  8. 打开烤箱,163摄氏度烤50分钟。待蛋糕完全冷却后取出。Turn on the oven and bake at 163 degrees Celsius for 50 w the cake to cool completely and remove.

    芝士蛋糕Cheesecake的做法图解 做法步骤 第9张
  9. 冷却后取出。冷藏5小时口感更佳。Cool and igerate for 5 hours to taste better.

    芝士蛋糕Cheesecake的做法图解 做法步骤 第10张
  10. 合照。A group photo.

    芝士蛋糕Cheesecake的做法图解 做法步骤 第11张


1.搅拌时用打蛋器打光滑,不出现颗粒感,纹理细腻。When stirring, use the agitator to make it smooth, avoid the sense of granule and make the texture delicate.
2.柠檬汁与香草精量控制要严格。柠檬汁过量会出现尖锐的酸味,香草精过量会苦。Strictly control the amount of vanilla extract and lemon much lemon juice produces a sharp, sour taste, and too much vanilla makes it bitter.
3.没有酸奶油可以不加。不要用酸奶代替,会影响口感的绵密性并且会出现尖锐的酸味。If you don't have sour cream, give it 't use yogurt instead; it will spoil the texture and give the cake a sharp, sour taste.
4.一定等彻底冷却再取出,否则会变形。取出后冷藏口感会更好。Must wait for complete cooling before taking out, otherwise it will be tastes better when taken out and refrigerated.

TAGS:芝士 蛋糕